Fan Day 2017

The Fan Day 2017 yesterday was a huge success! About 15 people turned up, and there were three models: me (Chrissy), Anahí, and new girl Hannah! We had loads of fun getting to know each other, sharing crazy cuff stories, and drinking coffee and tea. A lot of people brought their cuff collections so we got to play with all kinds of new cuffs (and rope), doing escape challenges and there was even a chain gang! Everyone was so happy, and I think they had a very good day! There were only a few pictures (because none of the fans wanted to be in the pictures) but if you are curious you can download them here :)
Next year we hope to welcome even more people!!

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  • O

    Quotes of the day:

    The chaingang is marched into the lounge… everyone comments “we need more prisoners”… “you can never have enough prisoners”

    A Newcastle girl with a Dutch accent, taking the piss out of a German by imitating his accent.

    A running commentary on the 5-person escape attempt gets a “Don’t tell them!” from someone who’s nearly got the right key.

    Chrissy facing the prospect of finishing ever so slighly behind in an 8-second escape challenge, flipping over the bed to lunge for a dropped key. Perhaps slightly competitive? (she won)

  • davecuffs

    yeah, it was so nice.
    And I’m happy to see that I’m in a lot of photos in this set (face not shown, as requested, but as long as it’s the case, I’m glad to be in some photos :) .

  • Nick

    Will there be a video of the fan day?

  • blup

    Is er volgend jaar weer een Fan Day ?

  • Jb

    Will there be a 2018 day? :)

  • Skvot

    why can’t i buy your set of photos through paypal, i’m from Russia ????

  • Because paypal has partially blocked processing for this website (for certain cards) :(
    Easy solution: put some balance on your paypal using your card, and then use the balance to buy picture sets and videos here!

  • CW

    Will the fan day ever return?

  • Martin

    oh yes please. Fan Day 2023!

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