Game night in Irish 8s

Not sure why these cuffs are called Irish 8s, but me and Anahí are tightly cuffed in them on our game night! As far as wrist closeness is concerned, these cuffs are the top of the line! Your wrist are so close together, you have to do everything with 2 hands at the same time. And that’s not easy when you are playing a game where you have to move little balls around a board!
Me and Anahí are really training ourselves lately to be able to spend more time in these Irish 8s. We haven’t done 24 hours yet, but maybe we will try that soon! It is so hard to move around in these! Any suggestions for Irish 8 challenges are very welcome!
Boring video? Not at all if you are interested in Irish 8 limitations! But in case you think so, I have made this one very low priced :)