Tag Archives: outside

Cold in cuffs

It’s cold in Holland! It was actually snowing, but then the sun came out and the snow disappeared. Sad! Because Anahí and I did not get a chance to play in the snow in handcuffs! Still, we are doing a report outside, so you can see how cold it really was here!
Fortunately, I have some very very sweet fans! One of you sent me this brand new white winter coat I am wearing!! Thank you so much!! Another fan sent us two pairs of warm mittens last year (to make escapes harder, but they are very nice to wear in the winter)! It’s incredible! If you have any stuff to send us, don’t hesitate hahahah :) Just kidding, you’ll help us more by supporting the blog and buying a few clips! Like this one, you will like it if you are a fan of Dutch police handcuffs!

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Cuffed Outdoors

Okay, so we did it! We went outside, handcuffed together with Dutch police handcuffs and we walked and walked, and walked… there were a lot of people around, were you there as well? Did you see us?
We were walking through the tall grass, and we left the keys AT HOME!! It was very exciting, and we definitely want to to more videos where we do not try to hide the cuffs! Why? Because being handcuffed in public should be acceptable! I will fight for our rights to be handcuffed without being frowned upon!! I hope you will do the same, so we can soon see people handcuffed in the streets all around the world!

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