Video diary: a package in the mail…

I love all my blog readers and fans!! Especially when they send me stuff :-) That is so cool! This package came in the mail and it had some mysterious handcuffs in them. Plus a letter telling me that the first challenge was to actually find the keyholes on these things. Silly me put the cuffs on my wrists immediately after opening the package. Next time I have to remind myself that people may send me faulty cuffs on purpose, so I need to test them first :-) Ooops…
Well, anyway, finding the keyholes was not a big problem, but one of the cuffs didn’t open… so I was stuck… which makes for a rather long video of me working out why it wouldn’t open anymore. I’m pleased to say that I have since managed to unlock the other cuff (phew!) :-)

You should try it with your hands behind your back ;)
I will! Thanks Tobbe :)