Merry ChrissyMas!

Yeaaah it’s Christmas! I hope you will all receive many gifts (handcuffs, of course), but don’t forget to give something back too (more handcuffs, obviously) LOL :-) I wish you very happy holidays, don’t think about your daily stress, sit back and enjoy this update, drinking hot chocolate and watching me decorate my ChrissyMas tree. I think it is the best tree ever! Merry cuffing!!

Hi my dear Chrissy,
thanks for the nice update ;-) I love the last picture the most…
I hope you will get a lot of nice cuffs and chains.
Have a nice and merry ChrissyMas with the ones you love,
Merry Christmas Chrissy. I hope you get everything you want for Christmas and I do mean EVERYTHING.
A merry cuffing to you
hope you will enjoy all your presents!
Cuff Lover
Merry ChrissyMas
Good to see you Chrissy, it is fun to see you handcuffed (:
Have you tried stay handcuffed some hours, then late your girlfriend do anything for you?
I really like this pic here, where you are hogcuffed
Then do I preffer you have ponytail, and are just home in handcuffs (: like here
There are many good pics and vids of you, here just some I really like to say I love :-)
I hope you will do more like this?