The key is out of reach

This is one of the best challenges ever! Me and Anahí are in waist chains, with the excess chain locked to our leg irons! The key is dangling just above our heads! We are very restricted in our movements, but I found out that we can even stand up, although the ankle cuffs are pulling down on the waist chain! That prevents me from doing my usual trick (sliding the waist chain up for more reach), and it even hurts to stand up straight, so we can only stand up for a short time, and we can not stand straight.
But we have more tricks up our sleeves! What if Anahí steps on me to get the key? Or can we use our mouth to undo the key from the snap hook? Or maybe we can do a genuine circus act where I balance on Anahí’s back? Don’t try any circus acts at home please, not when you are chained up like this. We are trained professionals :D LOL

anahi isn’t barefoot any time.why?
is she shy?
seems her bare foot is so nice.