Handcuff Weekend – part 4

So after lunch we decided to play a game! It doesn’t really matter which game, any game is fun when you are handcuffed! Me and Anahí play games in cuffs all time… in fact, I don’t think we ever played a game while we were not handcuffed. Not surprising of course, but still something you might want to consider if you are planning to visit our upcoming fan day: you will be handcuffed, even for board games and table games.
The handcuff weekend was really going well, no problems so far. But it was raining and we really wanted to go outside! Plus we hadn’t tried sleeping yet, which would be hard because we couldn’t take off our clothes now!!

When is the fan day?
How did it feel to be handcuff 72 hours and did it leave any red marks on ur wirst and ankles