Blast from the past! Self cuffing gone wrong

You have asked me: ‘in all your years of cuffing, did anything ever go wrong?’. Well, YES! Many times actually. I have had stuck handcuffs, unreachable keys, bruises, and much more! It is not without danger to be a cuff girl!!
Here’s an old video clip that I never posted because I didn’t escape. I was alone, handcuffed behind my back, and I thought it would be a good idea to cuff one ankle to the radiator so I had to stretch to get the key! I put the key at a distance I can usually get to, but I forgot that I usually do this when I am cuffed in FRONT! And I also didn’t realise that I couldn’t do my usual trick of getting the cuffs to the front, because of the leg irons that are attached to the radiator. I ended up having to call Anahí. Again.

So you’re doing this all by yourself? How are you making the video, you put the camera on a tripod and then just lock yourself up? Lucky you had the phone closer than the keys…
Yes, I make all my video diaries like that. Don’t worry, there are a few good friends who check on me if they haven’t heard from me for a day :)
“Here’s an old video clip that I never posted because I didn’t escape.”
Oh you tease. These are the most interesting videos ;) Post ’em all!
What’s the longest time you’ve been stuck?
Not so long, maybe 8 hours when I had to wait for Anahí to come home, then wait until she came to me, then we drove to the fire station to get me cut out of the cuffs, but they didn’t have time right away.
There actually is a way you could have escaped from that by getting the legiron chain past your handcuffs. It’s an old magic “trick”.
It’s a nice video clip!
I want to see more video clips you couldn’t escape.