Difficult hogcuff arrest

This one is going to be a bit different! It is a real challenge and I was sooooo looking forward to this one! I will try to hogcuff Anahi, but she will resist. So I really will have to fight her to get her into the cuffs! I am much stronger than her, but it still isn’t easy to cuff someone who isn’t cooperating! Epic battle!!

Wow!!!! Jealous
Do you need to be handcuffed Chrissy
Anahi she need to stop resisting and put her in handcuffed behind her back I want Chrissy in handcuffed behind her back as well
Chrissy should be handcuffed behind her back
Anahi stop resting arrest put her handcuffed behind her back
Hey Chrissy I was asking if you want to be handcuffed
You want me to handcuffed Anahi to the ground
I want Chrissy Anahi in handcuffed Please Let me know I be happy to
I want Anahi in handcuffed behind her back and feet cuffed
I want Anahi in handcuffed behind her back and feet cuffed
I want to cuffed your hands behind your back and feet
I want to see you in handcuffed