Video diary: two wrists in the same handcuffs

I think I have done this before, but that was behind my back and I could not escape! This time I will try it in front, using a pair of hinged handcuffs! This means that if I make the classic mistake (keyholes on the inside), I will be stuck forever! So please be extra careful when you try this at home, if you get it wrong no one will be able to help you, you can not get the key in anymore, and you’ll need to go to the fire station to be cut out of your cuffs! That is actually pretty exciting (with all those fire men running around), but it will be a waste of perfectly good cuffs ;-(
So let’s try this and see if I can escape this time!

What actually happened with the fire department? I would love to hear what happened.
That didn’t happen… yet. But I am planning something ;)
Ah :) It’s just that in a previous post you said you didn’t want to risk a(nother) trip to the fire department.
“I think I have done this before, but that was behind my back and I could not escape! This time I will try it in front”
huh? seem to remember you did this already, but in the front then also… if im wrong, and you did behind the back (always the greatest!), i’d like eto know which, as i may have missed it :P
Sure, here it is:
Ah, but it’s not featured in the video there, only the photographs. Was a good video though, as you couldn’t get out ;)
If you ever make that bad mistake of double-cuffing yourself with the keyholes facing each other so you can’t get the key into either lock, you MIGHT still be able to open the cuffs with a shim — IF you haven’t double locked them yet.
Of course, chances are that someone else will probably have to use the shim, you won’t be able to do it yourself.