Comparing handcuffs

Teaching Zara the difference between different types of handcuffs is fun! She already knows the difference between hinged and chain cuffs, but what about escaping hinged cuffs with the keyholes on the wrong side? Zara’s wrists are super slim so I had to make the cuffs ultra tight to make it hard for her. She is a fast learner and she is getting good at escapes!

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  • davecuffs

    Ah, trying different kind of handcuffs in different ways ; a good way to have a nice time with a pal.

  • The Toymaker

    Dear Ladies,

    Both of you appear to be relatively small. I am surprised that you do not have the inserts for your handcuffs so they fit smaller wrists more closely. Leg irons do not have to fit really close to be inescapable. Handcuffs should fit closely or someone small (like you two lovely ladies) can slip out of them too easily. Some handcuffs just do not close down small enough to reliably confine smaller women,

  • We just got the inserts!!!

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