Monthly Archives: July 2022

Handcuffed renovations

I have been wanting to paint this room for a while. But there are some things in it, like Chrissy’s old bed, and we need to remove them first. Zara (reluctantly) agreed do help me, she knows it’s not easy to do this heavy work in speedcuffs. After removing all the clutter, I added leg irons for us both to start prepping the walls! It will be beautiful!

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Arm splints!

We were thinking about a way to prevent us from bending our arms. That would make escaping handcuffs a lot more difficult! Then I suddenly remembered the arm splints Chrissy showed me once. Zara has never seen them, so I wanted to try them on her. Of course, she ended up putting me in the splints. Oh well…

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4th of July! 🇺🇸

A few days ago, Zara wanted to teach me about 4th of July. I am from Mexico, I have never understood this holiday, but Zara (in a very Zara way) tried to explain it to me. With loudness, decorations, silly glasses, American snacks, and a lot more stuff that was hurting my eyes. I still don’t understand why she is so excited about it. The only good thing was that she brought some American handcuffs for us to be cuffed in during this entire enthusiastic ordeal.

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FIVE thumbcuff strappado!

A new member request, with me as the victim again! (Please send in member requests with Zara as the victim thank you). I am cuffed in FIVE pairs of thumbcuffs with my palms out! Then Zara is going to try to pull my arms up into a strappado! A strappado with palms out is hard! Don’t try this at home! Or go ahead, try it, what do we care :D

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