Tag Archives: cage

Caging Zara

This is the new cage at BondageTimeout where me and Zara work as guards. So we definitely had to try it out ourselves. It was so much fun! The cage is pretty comfortable, you can lie down… until I put this divider in place which splits it up into two separate cages. Now Zara was a lot more confined!

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Caging Hannah

Well, restraints are a good way to keep Hannah from running away, but a cage is also good. So what about restraints in a cage!! Double security! More secure is always better, and just be honest: Hannah looks awesome in a cage, doesn’t she?

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Anahí caged!

This dog cage is just waiting for Anahí to get inside!! Waiting I tell you!! But that’s not secure enough… I have brought many cuffs to attach Anahí to all sides of the cage. Muhahaha :D This is going to teach my little Mexican friend a lesson she will never forget! Anahí should be caged permanently, especially if she keeps beating me in the handcuff escape races! Would you like to have a caged Anahí?? :)

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