Monthly Archives: October 2020

Drum practice

We are getting close to a lockdown again, so it is time to stay home and do two of my favorite things: cuffing myself and drumming! I have played drums since I was little, but I am a little out of practice. Trying to drum in cuffs is probably not going to help, but it’s interesting to try!

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Leather stocks?

We had the opportunity to test these new leather stocks! They are so well made and very awesome! You can use them for head and hands OR hands and feet! Possibly even all 5 at once, but we are not that flexible. Zara locked me in these stocks to see how it feels. It was lots of fun!

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Blue balls!

Today we have a unique item from Zara’s collection! She recently got these, and they are super cool! They are 3D printed restraints, a kind of prison mitts with a very clever design. They are really inescapable once you are in them. Zara is going to explain to me how they work, so exciting!

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