Tag Archives: teeth

Brushing my teeth in cuffs

Chrissy did everything in handcuffs. She was always cuffed at home. I am starting to learn to do all of my daily tasks in cuffs, but it is quite hard. I don’t know what is possible in handcuffs, so I have to try everything. Can I brush my teeth in handcuffs? (answer in the video) If so, I will do it every day from now on!

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Bed escape


Somehow it seemed like a good idea to handcuff my wrists to my bed, use legirons to connect my ankles to the same side, and put the key in front of me. It looks impossible, because when I bend over I can still not pick up the key with my teeth. Picking up the key with my toes is also impossible, because of the leg irons. Can you guess how I escaped? I’m quite resourceful, remember? ;-) This is a fun escape for everyone to try at home! But remember to have someone with you, because if you drop the key, you will be in big trouble!!

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