Monthly Archives: August 2017

Ultimate Speedcuffs for Hannah

Let’s introduce Hannah to Chrissy’s favourite handcuffs! The British police cuffs were Chrissy’s most beloved handcuffs, because Chrissy is from the UK! Well, I am from Mexico and Hannah is from the Netherlands, so we have to pick other favourites, but it is easy to see why Chrissy loved these cuffs. They are rigid and they can be used for very hard challenges! The ones I am showing today are the Ultimate Speedcuffs, which means they can fold (but only if you use a key)!

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Pizza Time!

Sometimes we just leave the webcam thing running and it will record some silly stuff. Like the time we ordered pizzas when we were neck cuffed together. It is fun to be neck cuffed to someone! Make sure you don’t do any sudden movements. If you forget about the neck cuff and you get up to go to the kitchen for example… lol :)

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Different kinds of handcuffs (fail)

I wanted to show Hannah the difference between some of the handcuffs, particularly the distance between the wrists. The shorter the distance, the harder it is to escape. So I went from chain cuffs to hinged cuffs to the Irish 8, to show her each type of restraint. It all went very well, until we bent the key to the Irish 8 and I was stuck in them!!!

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Toe cuffs in bed

Hannah literally has to get to know ALL kinds of cuffs, and she is about 10 years behind me and Chrissy, so I’m trying to introduce her to new cuffs every week! It is a lot to catch up on, as a brand new CuffGirl. She wasn’t feeling too well, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be toe cuffed in bed! I will be bring her tea and I’m taking care of her, so she doesn’t need to go anywhere!

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